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Nirnhoned is a trait which can be found on both weapons and armor. Exemplary items with this trait can only be found by completing the Dawn of the Exalted Viper quest in Craglorn, and you can only receive one per character. In addition, weapons with Nirnhoned trait can drop in trials and arenas. To learn the other traits, you must get other players (or other characters on your own account) to craft items for you to research. Once you have researched the trait on a given item type, you can craft Nirnhoned items by using ON-icon-trait material-Potent Nirncrux.png Potent Nirncrux for weapons or ON-icon-trait material-Fortified Nirncrux.png Fortified Nirncrux for armor. Both of these materials can only be found rarely by harvesting metal, wood, or cloth nodes in Craglorn. Weapons with the Nirnhoned trait will do more damage, while Nirnhoned armor will increase your Physical and Spell Resistance by an amount dependent on the level and quality of the item.


Damage Increase
Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary
11% 12% 13% 14% 15%

One-Handed and Ranged[edit]

Material Level Base Damage Nirnhoned Damage
Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary
1 168 204 239 275 311 186 228 270 313 357
4 215 251 287 323 358 238 281 324 368 411
6 251 287 323 358 394 278 321 364 408 453
8 275 311 346 382 418 305 348 390 435 480
10 299 334 370 406 442 331 374 418 462 508
12 323 358 394 430 465 358 400 445 490 534
14 346 382 418 453 489 384 427 472 516 562
16 370 406 442 477 513 410 454 499 543 589
18 394 430 465 501 537 437 481 525 571 617
20 418 453 489 525 561 463 507 552 598 645
22 442 477 513 549 584 490 534 579 625 671
24 465 501 537 572 608 516 561 606 652 699
26 489 525 561 596 632 542 588 633 679 726
28 513 549 584 620 656 569 614 659 706 754
30 537 572 608 644 680 596 640 687 734 782
32 561 596 632 668 703 622 667 714 761 808
34 584 620 656 691 727 648 694 741 787 836
36 608 644 680 715 751 674 721 768 815 863
38 632 668 703 739 775 701 748 794 842 891
40 656 691 727 763 799 728 773 821 869 918
42 680 715 751 787 822 754 800 848 897 945
44 703 739 775 810 846 780 827 875 923 972
46 727 763 799 834 870 806 854 902 950 1000
48 751 787 822 858 894 833 881 928 978 1028
50 775 810 846 882 918 860 907 955 1005 1055
Champion Points10 775 810 846 870 906 860 907 955 991 1041
Champion Points20 799 834 870 894 929 886 934 983 1019 1068
Champion Points30 810 846 882 906 941 899 947 996 1032 1082
Champion Points40 834 870 906 929 965 925 974 1023 1059 1109
Champion Points50 846 882 918 941 977 939 987 1037 1072 1123
Champion Points60 870 906 941 965 1001 965 1014 1063 1100 1151
Champion Points70 882 918 953 977 1013 979 1028 1076 1113 1164
Champion Points80 906 941 977 1001 1037 1005 1053 1104 1141 1192
Champion Points90 918 953 989 1013 1048 1018 1067 1117 1154 1205
Champion Points100 941 977 1013 1037 1072 1044 1094 1144 1182 1232
Champion Points110 953 989 1025 1048 1084 1057 1107 1158 1194 1246
Champion Points120 977 1013 1048 1072 1108 1084 1134 1184 1222 1274
Champion Points130 989 1025 1060 1084 1120 1097 1148 1197 1235 1288
Champion Points140 1013 1048 1084 1108 1144 1124 1173 1224 1263 1315
Ruby Ash
Champion Points150 1025 1060 1096 1108 1235 1137 1187 1238 1276 1420
Champion Points160 1037 1072 1108 1132 1335 1151 1200 1252 1290 1535


Material Level Base Damage Nirnhoned Damage
Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary
1 198 240 282 324 366 219 268 318 369 420
4 254 296 338 380 422 281 331 381 433 485
6 296 338 380 422 464 328 378 429 481 533
8 324 366 408 450 492 359 409 461 513 565
10 352 394 436 478 520 390 441 492 544 598
12 380 422 464 506 548 421 472 524 576 630
14 408 450 492 534 576 452 504 555 608 662
16 436 478 520 562 604 483 535 587 640 694
18 464 506 548 590 632 515 566 619 672 726
20 492 534 576 618 660 546 598 650 704 759
22 520 562 604 646 688 577 629 682 736 791
24 548 590 632 674 716 608 660 714 768 823
26 576 618 660 702 744 639 692 745 800 855
28 604 646 688 730 772 670 723 777 832 887
30 632 674 716 758 800 701 754 809 864 920
32 660 702 744 786 828 732 786 840 896 952
34 688 730 772 814 856 763 817 872 927 984
36 716 758 800 842 884 794 848 904 959 1016
38 744 786 828 870 912 825 880 935 991 1048
40 772 814 856 898 940 856 911 967 1023 1081
42 800 842 884 926 968 888 943 998 1055 1113
44 828 870 912 954 996 919 974 1030 1087 1145
46 856 898 940 982 1024 950 1005 1062 1119 1177
48 884 926 968 1010 1052 981 1037 1093 1151 1209
50 912 954 996 1038 1080 1012 1068 1125 1183 1242
Champion Points10 912 954 996 1024 1066 1012 1068 1125 1167 1225
Champion Points20 940 982 1024 1052 1094 1043 1099 1157 1199 1258
Champion Points30 954 996 1038 1066 1108 1058 1115 1172 1215 1274
Champion Points40 982 1024 1066 1094 1136 1090 1146 1204 1247 1306
Champion Points50 996 1038 1080 1108 1150 1105 1162 1220 1263 1322
Champion Points60 1024 1066 1108 1136 1178 1136 1193 1252 1295 1354
Champion Points70 1038 1080 1122 1150 1192 1152 1209 1267 1311 1370
Champion Points80 1066 1108 1150 1178 1220 1183 1240 1299 1342 1403
Champion Points90 1080 1122 1164 1192 1234 1198 1256 1315 1358 1419
Champion Points100 1108 1150 1192 1220 1262 1229 1288 1346 1390 1451
Champion Points110 1122 1164 1206 1234 1276 1245 1303 1362 1406 1467
Champion Points120 1150 1192 1234 1262 1304 1276 1335 1394 1438 1499
Champion Points130 1164 1206 1248 1276 1318 1292 1350 1410 1454 1515
Champion Points140 1192 1234 1276 1304 1346 1323 1382 1441 1486 1547
Ruby Ash
Champion Points150 1206 1248 1290 1318 1453 1338 1397 1457 1502 1670
Champion Points160 1220 1262 1304 1332 1571 1354 1413 1473 1518 1806


Material Level Resistance
Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary
1 7 17 28 38 49
4 21 31 42 52 63
6 31 42 52 63 73
8 38 49 59 70 80
10 45 56 66 77 87
12 52 63 73 84 94
14 59 70 80 91 101
16 66 77 87 98 108
18 73 84 94 105 115
20 80 91 101 112 122
22 87 98 108 119 129
24 94 105 115 126 136
26 101 112 122 133 143
28 108 119 129 140 150
30 115 126 136 147 157
32 122 133 143 154 164
34 129 140 150 161 171
36 136 147 157 168 178
38 143 154 164 175 185
40 150 161 171 182 192
42 157 168 178 189 199
44 164 175 185 196 206
Fell Hide/
46 171 182 192 203 213
48 178 189 199 210 220
50 185 196 206 217 227
Champion Points10 185 196 206 213 224
Champion Points20 192 203 213 220 231
Champion Points30 196 206 217 224 234
Champion Points40 203 213 224 231 241
Champion Points50 206 217 227 234 245
Champion Points60 213 224 234 241 252
Superb Hide/
Champion Points70 217 227 238 245 255
Champion Points80 224 234 245 252 262
Champion Points90 227 238 248 255 266
Champion Points100 234 245 255 262 273
Champion Points110 238 248 259 266 276
Champion Points120 245 255 266 273 283
Champion Points130 248 259 269 276 287
Champion Points140 255 266 276 283 294
Rubedo Leather/
Ancester Silk
Champion Points150 259 269 280 287 297
Champion Points160 262 273 283 290 301