Stormhold:Storm Crystal

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The Storm Crystal

The Storm Crystal (also sometimes Stormhold crystal) is a magic crystal that was dug out from the prison of Stormhold in Black Marsh sometime during the Third Era through the efforts of the warden, Quintus Varus.


In an unknown Era, but sometime before the third, the Storm Crystal was filled with the distilled power of the priests of a nearly forgotten religion and left in the tunnels beneath Stormhold. Then, during the Third Era, Warden Quintus Varus used prison labor to dig it up, intending to use it's power to transfer the evil from one individual to another, in doing so hoping to become known as the greatest hero of the Empire, the Slayer of Evil. The dig would cause the earth itself to ooze corruption, driving overseers and prisoners mad before transforming them into scaly creatures. This led to the arrests of innocents to maintain the workforce. However, the Master Tunnel Rat began to act against Varus's plan, which ultimately led to them killing Varus beneath the prison before he could use the Storm Crystal and instead used it to absorb the corruption that was affecting the other prisoners.
